Religious Music in the Family as a Manifestation of Religious Feelings of its Members


  • Jozef Stala, Ph.D. The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland


religious music, family


While searching for effective ways of religious education of children, both pedagogy of religion and catechesis resort to culture and encourage building a spiritual family culture. It is, therefore, worthwhile to undertake a challenge to search for various forms of reinforcing the spiritual culture of a family, for instance, by means of music education, in particular, teaching the reception of church music strictly related to liturgy. Since sacred music is deeply rooted in the Old Testament and the mystery of Salvation through Our Lord Jesus Christ, it should be first and foremost analyzed through the biblical perspective.

Author Biography

Jozef Stala, Ph.D., The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland

The Rev. Prof. dr hab. JÓZEF STALA – priest of Tarnów Diocese (Poland). Full Professor of Theology (Catechetics), Professor at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow (UPJPII), Vice Rector for the Scientific Capacity and International Cooperation UPJPII. Vice Dean for Research, Development and International Cooperation (20102014) and the Head of the Research Section of Pedagogical and Catechetical Studies at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow (UPJPII), Theology Faculty, Section in Tarnów (WTST). Lecturer in Catechetics and the Head of Pedagogical Practices at the same faculty. A member of the European Catechetical Equips; the European Society of Catholic Theology (ESCT); Section of Lecturers of Catechetics in Poland, Polish Familiology Association, Polish Theological Society and Tarnów Scientific Society. Expert (theology and family studies) of the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA). Editor in chief of the international scientific journal “The Person and the Challenges”. Expert of the Catholic Education Commission of Bishops’ Conference of Poland in the matters of RE programme and catechetical textbooks evaluation. Participant and organizer of many catechetical and educational conferences, symposiums and congresses in Poland and abroad. He has published and edited widely in the field of catechetics and pedagogy, especially in family catechesis, family studies, religious education, upbringing and pastoral care. Co-author and editor of many RE textbooks.






Religious Education and Family