Affirmation of Humanity Based on Positive Education in Modesty According to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching



education, shame, John Paul II, love


This article focuses on the complex but unique sense of shame, which is closely associated with the issue of the dignity of the human person. Shame as well as human personality permeate one’s whole being and are inseparably linked to the body. In contrast to original happiness that man experienced before the Fall, there is the historical experience of shame. The virtue of shame provokes fear for man’s own “self” and risk making him an object for use. Since the experience of fear leads to lust which consequently affects the collapse of social communion, the absorption of shame by love is required. In fact, even after the experience of the First Sin, an inextricably intertwined human body and personality leave a room to the affirmation of man’s personality. This very fact indicates to the duty of promoting the heart-led education, taking into account the integrity and dignity of human person as a subject as well as his intimacy and the body, especially mastery of shamelessness, feeling of decency and bea uty of art as well as decent clothing. All of this is required to regain original happiness of the first man that springs from his self-knowledge and unity with other people.






Differet dimensions of religious education