Lukačić in the 21st Century: On some performing aspects of the Musica Adriatica Ensemble


  • Sara Dodig Baučić Arts Academy, University of Split

Parole chiave:

Ivan Lukačić, Sacrae cantiones, Musica Adriatica, ensamble, performance


The choirmaster of the Split Cathedral, Ivan Marko Lukačić (Šibenik, d. 1585 - Split, September 20, 1648), is an early Baroque composer who occupies a special place in the Croatian musical life of the 17th century, as well as in the history of Croatian music. The collection Sacrae Cantiones, Singulis Binis Ternis Quaternis Quinisque vocibus Concinenda was printed in five separate volumes (Cantus, Altus, Tenor, Bassus, Organum) in Venice in 1620. is the only preserved and known collection of Lukačić. On the eve of the 400th anniversary of the Sacrae Ccantione edition, the international Musica Adriatica ensemble gave the integral performance of the collection in December 2019 in St. Domnius Cathedral in Split. The motets for one to five voices were performed by the ensemble consisted of first soprano, second soprano, countertenor, tenor, and bass with a section of basso continuo players (theorbo, viola da gamba and organ). The article provides some aspects of the performance of Lukačić’s early Baroque motets in the contemporary context. This interdisciplinary approach combines musical-analytical thinking with the experience of live performance.


