žba Božja2017-11-29T10:57:16+00:00Ivan Macuthkmberlin@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Od 1962. do 1964. objelodanjivan je liturgijski list za vjernike: Molite braćo s prilogom Sveta misa. Osim redovitoga izlaženja časopisa, počelo se objelodanjivati i popratna izdanja-nizove: Bogoslovna biblioteka (sv. 1-23), Biblioteku Službe Božje (sv. 1-55), Spomenspise (sv. 1-7). Sadržaj časopisa Služba Božja obuhvaća područje praktične teologije (liturgija, homiletika, crkveno pravo, religiozna pedagogija, katehetika, moralka, pastoralna teologija). Praktična teološka razmišljanja o društvenoj stvarnosti žele pomoći u oblikovanju crkvenoga pastoralnog života u suvremenomu svijetu.</p> <p>______________________________________________</p> <p><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en">From 1962 to 1964 <span class="">disclosures are made</span> <span class="">the</span> <span class="">liturgical</span> <span class="">list</span> <span class="">for the faithful</span> to pray brothers with vegetables <span class="">Holy Mass</span>. In addition to <span class="">the regular</span> publication of the journal, began to disclose a side-issue <span class="">series</span>: <span class="">Theology</span> <span class="">Library</span> (Vol. 1-23), the Library Service of God (Vol. 1-55), <span class="">spomenspis</span> <span class="">(Vol.</span> 1-7). <span class="">The content of</span> the magazine department of God covers the area of practical <span class="">theology</span> (<span class="">liturgy</span><span class="">,</span> <span class="">homiletics</span>, canon law, religious pedagogy, catechetics, moralka, <span class="">pastoral theology</span>). <span class="">The practical</span> theological reflection on social reality they want to help shape <span class="">the Church's</span> <span class="">pastoral</span> <span class="">life</span> <span class="">in the modern world</span>.</span></p> vježbe2017-11-29T10:56:30+00:00Josp Vlašić<p><strong>E-duhovne vježbe</strong></p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božja e-duhovnih vježbi2017-11-29T10:56:39+00:00Darko<p><strong>Projekt e-duhovnih vježbi</strong></p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božjačinstvo - poziv i poslanje2017-11-29T10:56:46+00:00Mladen<p><strong>U prvom dijelu članka autor promišlja uzroke i razloge zbog<br>kojih je suvremeno društvo postalo post-patrijarhalno društvo; on<br>te uzroke prepoznaje u frojdovskoj psihoanalizi, marksizmu, nihilizmu<br>te feminizmu. Svaki je od tih uzroka, sa svim svojim pozitivnim<br>značajkama, doprinio da se postupno lik Bog Oca ukloni iz<br>života suvremenoga europskog društva, što je rezultiralo nastajanjem<br>“društva bez očeva”, odnosno društva u kojem svatko želi<br>imati maksimum prava, a minimum ili nimalo odgovornosti. Autor<br>smatra kako je potrebno iznova otkriti kategoriju očinstva koja, s<br>jedne strane, predstavlja autoritet, a, s druge, poziva na preuzimanje<br>odgovornosti za vlastiti život i društvo u kojem se živi. Stoga<br>autor istražuje objavu Božjeg očinstva, kako u Starom tako i u<br>Novom zavjetu. Potom u trećem dijelu članak pokušava naznačiti<br>putove i načine na koje bi suvremena Crkva mogla iznova navijestiti<br>Božje očinstvo te pomoći suvremenim muškarcima da otkriju<br>i žive vlastito očinstvo.</strong></p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božjaški vidovi duhovnog očinstva. Psihologija duhovnog očinstva/oca2017-11-29T10:57:06+00:00Goran<p><strong>Psihološki vidovi duhovnog očinstva. Psihologija duhovnog očinstva/oca</strong></p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božja otac danas2017-11-29T10:57:08+00:00Mihály Szentmá<p>Ima tema koje su uvijek aktualne. Takva je tema uloga oca u<br>razvoju djeteta. Od Sigmunda Freuda naovamo mnogo se pisalo<br>o toj temi. Istražuje se uloga i važnost oca ne samo za djetetov<br>psihički, nego i za religiozni i za duhovni razvoj. O važnosti oca<br>za uravnoteženi razvoj djeteta žestoko se diskutira po svem svijetu<br>među stručnjacima različitih područja. Neki pišu o “društvu<br>bez oca”, drugi o “sumraku boga oca”, opet drugi o “preporodu<br>oca”, svatko prema svom svjetonazoru. Jer se ne radi samo o<br>činjenicama, nego često o ideologijama, pokretima, čak manipulacijama.</p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božja očinstva2017-11-29T10:57:14+00:00Marijo Volarević<p><strong>Kriza očinstva</strong></p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božja Virgin Mary – a sign of hope in Roman liturgy2017-11-29T10:56:25+00:00Dinko Aračić<p>Among the titles with which the Church praises the Blessed<br> Virgin Mary in Roman liturgy are also the appellations of Mary<br> such as a sign of hope, the dawn of hope and the mother of hope.<br> In the main part, the author discusses the use of these names<br> in Eucharistic celebrations and in the Divine Office, precisely<br> in the Feasts of the Immaculate Conception, the Marian Birth<br> and Assumption, Queen Mary and in the common celebrations<br> of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as in the Prayer Salve Regina.<br> A brief display and interpretation explain the liturgical use<br> of these names in the collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin<br> Mary and in the celebration of St. Mary on Saturday. The conclusion<br> underlines the fact that a new orientation of the Church’s<br> teachings about Jesus’ Mother decisively influences the formulation<br> and proposal of liturgical texts for the Marian celebrations,<br> giving them a Christological and Ecclesiological character.</p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božja third chapter of the Dogmatic constitution on the Church from the perspectives of the first time of the Church. Küng’s ecclesiological view2017-11-29T10:56:33+00:00Jure Perišić<p>This paper is trying to make a valid criticism of the third<br> chapter of the Dogmatic Constitution about the Church Lumen<br> Gentium on the basis of the presentation of biblical-historical<br> sketches of the Early Church, which is primarily based on the<br> exegetical research of individual experts and also on Küng’s theological<br> interpretation of the development of the Church’s Council<br> teachings. The Church, fundamentally regarded as the mystery,<br> sacrament, and community of God’s people, in the chapter on<br> hierarchy is well placed within the institutional frameworks, and<br> they cannot provide sufficient space for freedom, as it was manifested<br> in the first centuries of Christianity. From the time of Constantine<br> the Great and the later alliance of the Church and the<br> state, bipolarity among Christ’s believers takes place in the fraternal<br> community of Christians, and it still exists today, although<br> the last Council has clearly pointed out the same dignity of<br> every member of God’s people. Therefore, after the analysis presented<br> in the first two chapters of this paper, in conclusion we<br> pointed to the possible options for different ways of conception<br> of church communities.</p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božja development of mass communication2017-11-29T10:56:41+00:00Luka<p>The article presents the early beginnings of mass communication<br> in the context of time and social importance and points out<br> that, in the sense of culture, the development of mass communication<br> is deeply associated with the birth of culture and everything<br> that it carries. The following is a description of what mass<br> communication implies, when it comes to what exactly media are considered to be massive.The relationship between mass media<br> and cultural discourse is also considered, as it is difficult to<br> imagine a cultural identity in a society mediated by mass media<br> communication and the appreciation of their contribution to cultural<br> goods.There is a shorter overview of the global media market<br> with an overview of the operations of media organizations and<br> their market concentration. Along with media imperialism and<br> criticism of mass culture, the impact on the youth, the ethics of<br> mass communication and the discursive media power within the<br> cultural perspective are considered.</p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božja or incarnation in Christology. Gustave Thils, the Founder of the Revue Theologique de Louvain2017-11-29T10:56:57+00:00Gianluigi<p>In the present time, which is between the post-modernism<br> and late-modernism, the question of the fate of history is<br> becoming ever more urgent, to that extent that today many ask<br> whether it is possible to raise philosophy and theology of history<br> to the level of science, which is at the same time increasingly<br> uncertain considering the content of what essentially history is.<br> The aim of this article is to thoroughly analyze and show that<br> the issue is not entirely new, but it is both in philosophical and<br> theological reflexion of the 20th century, which is evident in the<br> analysis of all the works of a famous Belgian theologian Gustave<br> Thils, who was, among other things, the founder and first editor<br> of the well-known journal Revue Théologique de Louvain. The<br> article deals with three interesting theses of Gustave Thils, which<br> are the synthesis of his research and speak about the fact that<br> history continues to exist although Christ’s incarnated history is<br> divided into two: ante and post Christum natum (before and after<br> Chris’s birth). Reading Thils, the first thesis (the incarnative)<br> states that history continues to the extent it refers to the world<br> reality, which Jesus Christ deals with too. The second thesis,<br> the eschatological one, confirms the opposite, i.e. the necessity<br> of entering into the time of flashes of eternity, allowing historical<br> processes, “at a certain distance”, to better interpret spiritual<br> meaning. In the third thesis Thils unambiguously declares<br> that the content of history is a permanent impulse that comes<br> from the Holy Spirit, coming from the outside, and, therefore<br> ensures that history exists and that it can be theologically and<br> philosophically contemplated. Thils stands for neither the first<br> nor the second thesis, but, using a balanced dialectics between<br> transcendence and immanence (incarnation), he certainly contributes to the restoration of Christology as such. Therefore, the<br> main thesis is this: Jesus Christ has become incarnate in history<br> though history is bound to disappear.</p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božja baština: katolička obnova i konfesionalizacija u hrvatskim zemljama2017-11-29T10:56:31+00:00Daniel<p><strong>Tridentska baština: katolička obnova i konfesionalizacija u hrvatskim zemljama</strong></p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božja Bauerdick,Wenn Gott verschwindet, verschwindet der Mensch2017-11-29T10:56:40+00:00Dinko Aračić<p><strong>Rolf Bauerdick,Wenn Gott verschwindet, verschwindet der Mensch</strong></p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božja hrvatskoj filozofiji, Erna Banić-Pajnić, Filip Grgić (ur.), Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb, 2017.2017-11-29T10:56:55+00:00ivan<p><strong>O hrvatskoj filozofiji, Erna Banić-Pajnić, Filip Grgić (ur.), Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb, 2017.</strong></p>2017-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2017 Služba Božja