Pastoral Care and Migrations


  • Alojzije Čondić, Ph.D. Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split


migration, refugees, pastoral, society, culture, evangelization, formation


The migration phenomenon is not a novelty, because it has always been inherent to man. However, in this globalized world, its causes and forms make it more complex and a serious challenge for society at all levels. In addition to its social, cultural and economic characteristics, migration is specific of its theological and pastoral aspects, being the “sign of the times” for the Church which should judge responsibly and perform its pastoral activities. The author of the article firstly deals with the phenomenon of migration in Antiquity and the biblical world, then he refers to its contemporary, social and cultural implications. Taking into consideration the globalized and secularized culture and society, the author focuses on migration as a challenge for pastoral theology and pastoral work. Finally, the last part of the article deals with the meaning of the pastoral care of migrants through its evangelizing mission and emphasize the importance of Christian formation challenged by the phenomenon of migration.






Religious education challenged by a plurality of religions and migrations