
  • Church between emigration and immigration
    Vol. 25 No. 1 (Crkva u svijetu, vol.55 br.3 2020) (2019)

    Church in the World, Vol. 55 No. 3, 2020.

    25th International scientific-theological symposium: "Theology and Ecology" was held at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Split from 23th to 24th October 2019.

  • Theology and ecology
    Vol. 24 No. 1 (Crkva u svijetu, vol.54 br.3 2019) (2018)

    Church in the World, Vol. 54 No. 3, 2019.

    24th International scientific-theological symposium: "Theology and Ecology" was held at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Split from 17th to 18th October 2018.

    Vol. 23 No. 1 (Crkva u svijetu, vol.53 br.3 2018) (2017)

    Church in the World, Vol. 53 No. 3, 2018.

    23rd International scientific-theological symposium: "Encounter between Faith and Sport" was held at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Split from 19th to 20th October 2017.

  • Religion in the Media - The Media in Religion
    Vol. 22 No. 1 (Crkva u svijetu, vol.52 br.3 2017) (2016)

    Church in the World, Vol. 52 No. 3, 2017.

    22nd International scientific-theological symposium: "Religion in the Media - The Media in Religion" was held at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Split from 20th to 21st October 2016.

  • Shame - the polysemous meaning of 'Fealing shame'
    Vol. 21 No. 1 (Crkva u svijetu, vol.51 br.3 2016) (2015)

    Church in the World, Vol. 51 No. 3, 2016.

    21st International scientific-theological symposium: "Shame - the polysemous meaning of 'Feeling shame' " was held at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Split, from 22nd to 23rd October 2015.

  • Secular State - Religion - Church: From ideological neutrality to co-existence through dialogic encounter
    Vol. 20 No. 1 (Crkva u svijetu, vol.50 br.3 2015) (2014)

    Church in the World, Vol. 50 No. 3, 2015.

    20nd International scientific-theological symposium: "Secular State - Religion - Church: From ideological neutrality to co-existence through dialogic encounter"
    Symposium was held from 23rd to 24th October 2014.

  • 2nd Vatican Councile reception with special regard on the Church in Croatia
    Vol. 19 No. 1 (2013)

    19. International scientific-theological symposium: "2nd Vatican Councile reception with special regard on the Church in Croatia"
    Symposium was held from 24. to 26. October 2013.

  • Anthropological and religious dimension of sacrifice
    Vol. 18 No. 1 (2012)

    18. International scientific-theological symposium: "Anthropological and religious dimension of sacrifice"
    Symposium was held from 25. to 26. October 2012.

  • Theology, Beauty and Art
    Vol. 17 No. 1 (2011)

    17. International scientific-theological symposium: "Theology, Beauty and Art"
    Symposium was held from 20. to 21. October 2011.

  • The Phenomenon of Conscience
    Vol. 16 No. 1 (2010)

    16. International scientific-theological symposium: "The Phenomenon of Conscience"
    Symposium was held from 22. to 23. October 2010.

  • Christianity and evolution
    Vol. 15 No. 1 (2009)

    15. International scientific-theological symposium: "Christianity and evolution"
    Symposium was held from 22. to 23. October 2009.

  • The Power and Authority - social and ecclesial aspects
    Vol. 14 No. 1 (2008)

    14. International scientific-theological symposium: "The Power and Authority - social and ecclesial aspects"
    Symposium was held from 22. to 23. October 2009.

  • Theology and Church in the EU integration process
    Vol. 13 No. 1 (2007)

    13. International scientific-theological symposium: "Theology and Church in the EU integration process"
    Symposium was held from 25. to 26. October 2007.

  • Revelation, revelations and aparitions
    Vol. 12 No. 1 (2006)

    12. International scientific-theological symposium: "Revelation, revelations and aparitions"
    Symposium was held from 26. to 27. October 2006.

  • Christianity and health
    Vol. 11 No. 1 (2005)

    11. International scientific-theological symposium: "Christianity and health"
    Symposium was held from 20. do 21. October 2005.

  • Speech about God, yesterday and today
    Vol. 10 No. 1 (2004)

    10. International scientific-theological symposium: "Speech about God, yesterday and today"
    Symposium was held from 21. do 22. October 2004.

  • Place and role of theology in Church and society
    Vol. 9 No. 1 (2003)

    9. International scientific-theological symposium
    Symposium was held from 23. do 24. October 2003.

  • Christians and politics
    Vol. 8 No. 1 (2002)

    8. International scientific-theological symposium
    Symposium was held  from 24. do 25. October  2002.

  • Personal and social dimension of sin
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2001)

    7. Znanstveni skup Osobna i društvena dimenzija grijeha (2001 ; Split)

    Osobna i društvena dimenzija grijeha: zbornik radova znanstvenog skupa, Split, 25.-26. listopada 2001. / priredili Nediljko Ante Ančić i Nikola Bižaca. - Split: Crkva u svijetu, 2002. -280 str.; 22 cm. - (Biblioteka Crkve u svijetu. Teologija 12)

    UDK 241.4 (063) 233.1/.2(063) | ISBN 953-6151-62-6

  • Christian hope on the beginning of the new century
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2000)

    6. Znanstveni skup "Kršćanska nada na početku novoga stoljeća" (2000; Split)

    Kršćanska nada na početku novoga stoljeća: zbornik radova znanstvenog skupa, Split, 27. listopada 2000./ priredili Nediljko Ante Ančić i Nikola Bižaca. - Split: Crkva u svijetu, 2001. - 208 str. : ilustr.; 22 cm. - (Biblioteka Crkve u svijetu. Teologija ; 11)

    UDK 241.512 (063) | ISBN 953-6151-56-1

  • Faith experience today
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (1999)

    International scientific-theological symposium

  • Crkva između proročkog poslanja i konformizma
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (1998)

    4. teološki simpozij Crkva između proročkog poslanja i konformizma (1998; Split)

    Crkva između proročkog poslanja i konformizma: zbornik radova teološkog simpozija, Split, 23. listopada 1998./priredili Nediljko Ante Ančić i Nikola Bižaca. -  Split: Crkva u svijetu, 1999. - 160. str. : 22 cm. - (Biblioteka Crkve u svijetu. Teologija : 9)

    UDK 239 (063)(082) | ISSBN 953-6151-43-X

  • Approach to dying and death
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (1997)

    Teološki simpozij pristupi umiranju i smrti (3; 1997; Split)

    Pristupi umiranju i smrti: zbornik radova teološkog simpozija [održanog 22. listopada 1997. godine u Splitu] / priredili Nedjeljko A. Ančić i Nikola Bižaca. Split: Crkva u svijetu, 1999. 136 str. ; 21 cm. - (biblioteka Crkve u svijetu. Teologija; 7)

    UDK 237 | ISBN 953-6151-37-5

  • Church in the modern pluralism
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (1996)

    Zbornik radova teološkog simpozija o pluralizmu
    Teološki simpozij Crkva u uvjetima modernoga pluralizma (1996 ; Split)
    Crkva u uvjetima modernog pluralizma: zbornik radova Teološkog simpozija: Split 23. 10. 1996. / priredili Nedjeljko A. Ančić i Nikola Bižaca. - Split: Crkva u svijetu, 1998. - 109. str.; 21 cm. (Biblioteka Crkve u svijetu. Teologija; 5)
    UDK 261.7/8. | ISBN 953-6151-29-4 

  • II. Vatican Council in Croatia
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (1995)

    1. International scientific-theological symposium "Council in Croatia"
    Symposium was held on the 25. October 1995.