TO BE BROTHERS: TASK AND CHALLENGE. Variations on the theme of brotherhood in the book of Genesis.pdf
Biblijsko razmišljanje na temu bratskih odnosa počinje u Sta- rom zavjetu na pragmatičan način pripoviješću o tragičnom slučaju Kajina i Abela (Post 4). Kasnije se na različite načine, u više navrata, ponavlja u zgodama i nezgodama patrijarha. Najtipičniji su slučajevi oni koji se odnose na Abrahamove sinove: Jišmaela i Izaka (Post 21), na Izakove sinove blizance: Ezava i Jakova (Post 25; 27; 32-33), na Jakovljeve sinove Josipa i njegovu bra- ću (Post 37-50). No kakav se pojam bratskih odnosa promovira u ovim pripovijestima? Mogu li se odgonetnuti tipični motivi za te i takve pripovijesti? Koja je uloga njihova ponavljanja i eventual- nih promjena?
Ključne riječi
Kajin; Abel; brat; bližnji; sukob; dijalog;
Biblical reflections on the theme of fraternal relations begin in a pragmatic way in the Old Testament with a story of the tragic case of Cain and Abel (Gen 4). Later on it is repeated in different
ways, on many occasions, in the fortunes and misfortunes of the Patriarchs. The most typical are the ones related to Abraham’s sons: Ishmael and Isaac (Gen 21), to Isaac’s twin sons: Esau
and Jacob (Gen 25; 27; 32-33), to sons of Jacob: Joseph and his brothers (Gen 37-50). But what concept of fraternal relations is promoted in these stories? Can you figure out the typical motives for these and such stories? What is the role of their repetitions and possible changes?
Key words: Cain, Abel, brother, neighbour, conflict, dialogue