Međureligijski dijalog pred altermativom vjere i nevjere


  • Ivan Šarčević


dialogue, peacemaking, conflict, foreigners, world, Peter the Venerable, St. Bernard of Clairvaux


The credibility of believers is not affirmed by mere verbal profession of faith but rather by practical solidarity and peacemaking. The article raises the issue of urgency of the interreligious dialogue, including the dialogue within one’s own religious community, i.e. the Church as the starting point for gathering and dialogue with believers of other faiths. Challenges and obstacles to dialogue are born out of human propensity for cruelty, conflicts and wars. Even the Gospels show us that dialogue does not come easy. The Gospels report two areas of relations where Jesus comes into conflict with his fellow countrymen: the relations with foreigners and enemies and the relations with the world. Throughout the history, a Christian has been faced with the dilemma of whether to follow Jesus’ peacemaking or worldly conflict. History abounds with examples of one set of Christians choosing nonviolence, dialogue and peace, and the other set opting for violence, bigotry and war. The article makes specific references to Peter the Venerable and St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Both approaches are faith-based. Choosing dialogue is therefore an entirely personal and free decision.


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