Priest facing the challenge of the pastoral care of confession.pdf


  • Alojzije Čondić


Suvremeno društveno-kulturno okružje na početku trećega tisućljeća sve više pada pod utjecaj sekularizma, relativizma i teh- nokratizma. Takav oblik promatranja svijeta i ljudskoga života čovjeka udaljuje od istine i kršćanske antropologije, pa mu govor o Božjemu milosrđu i potrebi sakramenta ispovijedi sve više posta- je apstraktan. Crkva i ispovjednici nalaze se pred novim pastoral- nim izazovima te su pozvani tražiti prikladnija pastoralna rješenja. Zato je uvijek aktualan i potreban poziv na ponovno otkrivanje dubine i ljepote sakramenta pomirenja. Jer, kultura, koja je prožeta samoopravdanjem, sve više gubi osjećaj i smisao za grijeh te potrebu oproštenja i blizine s Bogom koji je “bogat milosrđem” (Ef
2, 4). U skladu s tim autor prvotno s teološko-pastoralnoga aspekta raščlanjuje pristup sakramentu pomirenja, a potom upućuje na njegovo potiskivanje kroz vidike osjećaja grijeha i osjećaja krivnje te kroz neke duševne bolesti s kojima se ispovjednik susreće. Na kraju se osvrće na pastoral oprosta i milosrđa potičući nužnost pastoralne metanoje.

Ključne riječi
Ispovijed; ispovjednik; grijeh; milosrđe; oprost; pastoral;


At the beginning of the third millennium, social and cultural environment has been increasingly falling under the influence of secularism, relativism and technocracy. Consequently, viewing the world and human life in such a way, man is being moved away from the truth and Christian anthropology, so that speaking about God’s mercy and need for the sacrament of Penance is becoming more and more abstract. Church and confessors are facing the new pastoral challenges and they are called to seek more appropriate pastoral solutions. Therefore, the call to keep rediscovering the depth and beauty of the sacrament of Reconciliation is always actual and necessary. Because, culture, which is
permeated with self-justification, is increasingly losing the sense of sin and the need for forgiveness as well as the nearness to God who is “generous with his mercy” (Eph 2, 4). Accordingly, the author first analyzes the approach to the sacrament of Reconciliation from theological and pastoral aspect; then he points at its suppression in the form of sense of sin and feelings of guilt and also of some mental illnesses that confessors face with. Finally,
he refers to the pastoral of indulgence and charity urging the necessity of pastoral metanoia.
Key words: confession, confessor, sin, mercy/charity, absolution,
pastoral care





