Early Christian Roman Cemetries - Catacombs


  • Željko Tolić Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu


This article is divided into two parts. In the first part the author
speaks about the Roman catacombs. In subtitles the author
describes their origin, nomenclature and their condition over the
In the second part the author speaks about the catacombs
of Callixtus, describing in subtitles their discovery and historical
wealth, referring especially to the Crypt of the Popes, the crypt of
Saint Cecilia, the cubicles of the Sacraments and other famous
crypts located in the catacombs of Callixtus.
Key words: Christians, catacombs, burial, cemeteries, pope


Ovaj članak podijeljen je u dva dijela. U prvom dijelu autor
govori o rimskim katakombama. U podnaslovima opisuje njihov
postanak, nazivlje i stanje tijekom stoljeća. U drugom dijelu govori o Kalistovim katakombama, opisujući u podnaslovima njihovo
otkriće i povijesno bogatstvo, osvrćući se posebno na kriptu papa,
kriptu sv. Cecilije, sakramentalni kubikul i druge znamenite kripte koje se nalaze u Kalistovim katakombama.

Ključne riječi:
kršćani; katakombe ukop; groblja; pape;





